
About 60site selection necessary to Tokyo tourism

What to do in Narita Airport?

Ⅰ Airport&Rail 


Haneda Airport(Tokyo International Airport) http://www.tokyo-airport-bldg.co.jp/ 

Japan Rail Pass (instruction version)
 This is a video of youtube.

 This is avideo of youtube.

 This is a video of youtube.

 This is avideo of youtube.

Ⅱ Tourism

TOKYO Diseny Resort http://www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp/top.html
  This is the official site of Tokyo Disneyland&Tokyo DisneySea.

ドット姫のTDRブログ http://ameblo.jp/10121716/
 This is the blog of Disney fan. Many photos, it is great fun was reading.
 About Disney Resort, there is a lot of information.

TDRハック http://tdrhack.com/
 There is a lot of information about how to enjoy Disneyland and Disney Sea.

吉田さんちのディズニー日記 http://ameblo.jp/mmdisneymm/
 This is the blog of family of Disney fans.

Tokyo Disney Resort Blog   http://www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp/blog/
   This is the official blog of Tokyo Dis ney Resort.

Towards foreign travelers in Japan.
 This site provides (traffic information and weather information, etc.) the information that you   need in an emergency such as a disaster.Japan National Tourism Organization is operated.
Safety tips for travelers http://www.jnto.go.jp/safety-tips/pc/index.html

Site Map

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) http://www.jnto.go.jp/
  This is the official site.

Japan‐guide.com http://www.japan-guide.com/
 This site is a famous tourist site of Japan. Information is abundant.

□東京の観光公式サイト GO TOKYO  http://www.gotokyo.org/jp/index.html
  This site is Tokyo tourism official site. When you read, you can select the language.

HATO BASU http://www.hatobus.com/index.html
 Hato Bus is a convenient regular tourist bus around in a day the sights of Tokyo. This site is   for travelers overseas.

はとバス http://www.hatobus.co.jp/
 Here, is the site of Japan. There is also a site of foreign language.

旅行・観光ガイド http://travelrink.fc2web.com/
  This is an information site for travel and tourism.

MAPPLE観光ガイド http://www.mapple.net/
 This is an information site for travel and tourism.

トリップアドバイザー http://www.tripadvisor.jp/
 This is a Traveller site of travel and tourism.

□東京スカイツリー Tokyo Skytree http://www.tokyo-skytree.jp/
 This is the official site of Tokyo Skytree.

渋谷ヒカリエ http://www.hikarie.jp/sp/
This is the site of Shibuya Hikarie.

□三鷹の森ジブリ美術館 Ghiburi Museum,Mitaka http://www.ghibli-museum.jp/
  This is the site of Ghiburi Museum.

□江戸東京博物館 The Edo-Tokyo Museum http://www.edo-tokyo-museum.or.jp/

□宮内庁 Imperial Household Agency http://www.kunaicho.go.jp/
 This is the site of Imperial Household Agency.

江戸城/史跡めぐり http://edo.pro.tok2.com/
 It is the site of Edo Castle. There is also Imperial Palace. It is a fun site.

It is the site of the Gundam Cafe in Akihabara. When I went, the transmitter has been    
 programmed along about an hour. But it is great fun place.
GUNDAM CAFE http://g-cafe.jp/
 This is the official site.

WAO流!JAPAN http://waoryu.jp/fashion/
It is one of the services of "WAO! 流JAPAN".YOUTUBE is the first time Shibuya, Akihabara,  
 Harajuku.It is a program to be able to enjoy very much.I will introduce along with the site of  
 the program.

It is the introduction of Asakusa. Asakusa is famous Kaminarimon. There are a lot of shops, I  
 also enjoy shopping. If you walk a little, it will be visible sky tree. The spring, cherry blossoms
 are beautiful. After, there is a amusement park called Hanayashiki, it is fun too.
浅草観光.com http://asakusa-kankou.com/
  This is the official site of Asakusa.

浅草ドットネット http://www.asakusa.net/
  It is a tourist information site of Asakusa.

THE浅草 http://www.asakusa.cn/
  It is a tourist information site of Asakusa.

  It is a tourist information site of Asakusa.There is also English.

浅草はなやしき http://www.hanayashiki.net/
  It is an amusement park located in Asakusa.

浅草観音 浅草寺 http://www.senso-ji.jp/
  This is the site Asakusakannon SENSOJI.

Ⅲ Food

東京フードページ http://www.bento.com/tfp-sj.html
 This site is a restaurant guide of Tokyo. There is English.

食べログ http://tabelog.com/
 Gourmet site to searchable Reviews and rankings.This site is only Japanese.

□ぐるナビ GURUNABI japan Restaurant Guide http://www.gnavi.co.jp/
  Meetings & Gourmet information search site.There is a page of English this site.

ホットペッパー http://www.hotpepper.jp/
 Information site for gourmet and coupon.I also often use. Japanese only.

ぐーめ http://goomet.com/
 It is a gourmet search site that specializes in restaurant search.This site is only Japanese.

グルメウォーカー http://gourmet.walkerplus.com/
 This site is packed with coupons restaurant information.This site is only Japanese.

□日本レストラン協会JAPAN Restaurant Association  http://www.joy.ne.jp/restaurant/index.htm
 Here is the home for those who want to satisfy all taste, service, sanitation, price with excellent  restaurant on behalf of our country.There is a page of English this site.

□日本ベジタリアン協会 Japan Vegetarian Society  http://www.jpvs.org/index.htm
 This is the official site of Japan Vegetarian Society.There is a page of English this site.

□品達 SINATATU http://www.shinatatsu.com/ 
 Located in Shinagawa, It is the introduction of the shop and bowl of ramen.

□横浜中華街 Yokohama Chinatown http://paozu.net/
 This is the site of Yokohama Chinatown.

Shin Yokohama Ramen Museum http://www.raumen.co.jp/home/
  It is the Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum.

ラーメンデータベース http://ramendb.supleks.jp/
  It is the site of ramen database.

ラーメンバンク http://www.ramenbank.com/

KURA-ZUSHI [くら寿司] 
  This is the site of kura-sushi.It has English version.
Cappa-sushi [かっぱ寿司] 
    This is the site of Cappa-sushi.It has English version.
    This is the site of Hama-sushi.


日本観光ミシュラン http://blog.livedoor.jp/tkaratsu/
 This is the guide of the trip blog.

スパーカブで行く日本一周の旅 http://cub110tabinikki.blog.fc2.com/
 This is the travel diary of Japan Around the go riding Super Cub 110.

旅行好き素人が作る旅行記 国内の旅行記と観光情報のサイト♪ http://ryokouu.com/index.html

 This is the site of tourist information and travel in Japan.

全国イイ味ハマル味 http://blog.livedoor.jp/e_aji/
  The theme of this blog is the local food of Japan.

おでかけごはん。 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/konyanyachu
 It introduces, of Japanese meals to "good" on this blog.

出張先 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/go_arcnet
 It has an introduction to the food of business trip destination.

Ⅳ Convenience store

LAWSON http://www.lawson.co.jp/index.html
 This is the official site.

FamilyMart  http://www.family.co.jp/index.html
  This is the official site.

セブンイレブン  http://www.sej.co.jp/ 
 This is the official site of Seven-Eleven.

デイリーヤマザキ http://www.daily-yamazaki.co.jp/index.html
 This is the official site of Daily YAMAZAKI.

MINISTOP http://www.ministop.co.jp/
 This is the official site. 

Ⅴ Other

東京トイレマップ http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ad8y-hys/
 It is a guide site of toilet Tokyo. It is an old little information up to 2010.
How to Use a Japanese Toilet 
 This is a video of youtube.

Site Map

5.What to do in Narita Airport?