
進撃の巨人 Attack on Titan

Today, I will introduce the Attack on Titan of the topic now.

Web Site

進撃の巨人 http://shingeki.net/
 This is the official site of Attak on Titan.

講談社コミックプラス http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/
This is the official website of Kodansha.
Attack on Titan has been serialized.


現在進行中の黒歴史 http://blog.livedoor.jp/isayamahazime/
 This is the blog of the author of "giant advance".This blog is Japanise.

Key Word

・Attack on Titan=進撃の巨人(しんげきのきょじん)
・Wallpaper of computer=壁紙(かべがみ)
・(Attack on Titan) wallpaper for PC=「進撃の巨人」壁紙

NAVERまとめ http://matome.naver.jp/
 In the search box in the upper left, please search for "進撃の巨人壁紙まとめ".
There is a summary of the wallpaper of Attack on Titan.