
Must-see sites and video !! Tokyo Sky Tree becomes fun 10 times

Good evening everyone.
Today, it is the introduction of the Tokyo Sky Tree.

Tokyo Sky Tree is the world's tallest tower.Height is 634 meters.
Why do you think  634 meters?
It comes from Musashi.
634, Japan reads as "Musashi".
 6 = mu 3 = sa 4 = shi
Musashi is a samurai famous for dual wield.

November 17, 2011
Tokyo Sky Tree, was recognized from Guinness World Records.
Because it is the world's tallest tower.

There is an aquarium in Tokyo Sky Tree.
Reputation is very good.

There are many restaurants in the Tokyo Sky Tree.
Please search for "東京スカイツリー グルメ (Tokyo Sky Tree Gourmet)".

I will introduce a little.
TOP of TREE Restaurant on the top floor of Tokyo Solamachi.
Salon de Sweets It is a shop you want to go eat lunch.

I will introduce the blog and official site.
Completion of construction of the "Tokyo Sky Tree" to, is a record of 1326 days.
By all means, please come to play in the blog before going to Tokyo Sky Tree.

Web Site
 □TOKYO SKYTREE http://www.tokyo-skytree.jp/
  This is the official site of Tokyo Skytree.
 □SUMIDA AQUARIUM  http://www.sumida-aquarium.com/
  This is the official site of the aquarium is in the Tokyo Sky Tree.

 □東京スカイツリーの完成までを見守るブログ http://ameblo.jp/nzmst/
  Completion of the Tokyo Sky Tree to, is a record of 1326 days.

 □Shooting from the sky of Tokyo Sky Tree
   Thank you tokyoskytreemovie.

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⇒Broken Link Check & Updated date 2013/8/22